Emotionally fragile people have trouble managing difficult emotions.
You can get sucked into panicky and anxious cycles by little worries. Spirals of depression and self-criticism can result from small bouts of sadness.
You need to develop a stronger relationship with your partner if you want to feel more in control of your emotions.
People often have a negative relationship with their emotions. This is because they fear them. They may run away from or try to eliminate these negative emotions.
Your brain’s fight or flight response to emotions can make you emotionally fragile.
You can feel more confident in facing difficult emotions if you get rid of the fearful habits you have.
All of us feel emotional fragile from time to time. If you feel this way frequently, it is likely that several of these behaviors are the root cause. It won’t take long to build emotional resilience if you can identify and fix them.
Think about the people in your life. You probably don’t trust them all to the same extent.
It’s common (and smart) in life to trust people in different degrees. The same applies to your thoughts…
You can’t trust all of your thoughts.
Every day your mind generates thousands of thoughts, many of which can be useful and accurate. Many of these thoughts are incorrect, outlandish, or simply wrong. This is normal.
People who are emotionally resistant know that they shouldn’t blindly believe every thought that comes to their minds.
Be the consciousness behind your thoughts and emotions instead of being them. Eckhart Tolle
Relying on coping skills to feel better is a common mistake made by emotionally fragile people.
A coping skill can be described as a strategy or technique that you use temporarily to feel better.
While these skills may temporarily improve your mood, they don’t address the root cause of the problem.
Relying on coping strategies to manage difficult emotions is dangerous because it encourages people to view emotions as problems. This is false.
As with physical pain, the painful emotions are just signals. They often tell you something is wrong and need to be addressed.
Fear is not a problem. It is a signal from your brain that something is wrong or dangerous in your life.
Sadness is not a problem. It is a signal from your brain that something is missing.
Anger is not a problem. It is a signal from your brain that there is something wrong in your life and you need to deal with it.
Don’t treat your emotions as problems if you keep treating them that way.
Relapse is possible for what remains after a crisis. Hippocrates
People who are emotionally fragile often have low self-esteem.
Low self-esteem can be caused by many things, but there is one thing that will almost always keep people there:
People who have low self-esteem are more likely to break promises that they made to themselves.
Consider this: If you keep breaking promises to yourself, how are you going to trust yourself and be proud of your accomplishments?
Low self-esteem and emotional fragility are both linked because it is difficult to manage painful feelings confidently if you don’t believe in yourself.
If you aren’t confident in yourself, it’s difficult to believe that you’ll be okay despite your worries.
When all you have is broken promises, it’s difficult to remember your positive qualities.
Self-doubt and self-criticism are difficult to overcome when you don’t feel proud of yourself.
To combat emotional fragility, it is important to keep the promises you make to your self.
Start small. If you tell your self that you will finish your report before you eat, then do it. If you tell yourself that you’ll call your sister after work, then do it even if it doesn’t feel right.
You are more powerful than you realize, but this will not be true until you learn to trust yourself.
Self-esteem refers to the image you have of yourself. – Naval Ravikant
Sometimes it is okay to go with the flow. If you find yourself always “going with the flow” or following the lead of others, then you may be emotionally fragile.
It is a lie to keep going with the flow.
If you routinely put off your own needs and wants in order to meet the needs of others, then you’re lying to yourself as well as others about your true values and wants.
This makes you feel worse about yourself, lowers self-esteem and prevents others from seeing your true self.
You will not be able to tell your partner that you don’t like Italian food if you just follow the crowd.
Your boss won’t know you are unhappy or exhausted if you just follow the rules and accept new tasks.
Although it may seem nice to go with the flow, it is actually a false path that can end up hurting everyone.
You can practice assertiveness to increase your courage and express what you truly want with confidence.
You must be assertive to show that you can express your needs and desires in a way that is honest with yourself and respectful to others. It is a skill anyone can acquire.
Although it may seem awkward and scary at the beginning, being open about your true desires will make a difference in all of your relationships, including your own.
Being who you are is the privilege of a lifetime. – Joseph Campbell
It’s a sad truth that many people learn that “standing up” is the best way to motivate yourself.
As the tough drill sergeant from the movies, many of us learn early on that if we don’t self-criticism and have a hard talk about ourselves, we will be weak or under-performing.
Because our culture and families value achievement and success, especially academic success, we often tie our self-esteem to our ability and willingness to succeed. We rely too heavily on self-criticism and judgment as motivators.
Here’s the problem:
Fear can be a motivator for the short-term, but it can have devastating emotional consequences if it is the only motivation.
You feel inadequate and unworthy if you constantly criticize yourself. You become more critical of yourself and make things worse.
To have a healthy relationship and effectively manage your emotions, you must be kind to yourself.
When you constantly judge yourself, it is difficult to feel confident.
It is hard enough to feel motivated if you constantly judge yourself for lacking energy or enthusiasm.
When you are constantly blaming yourself, it’s difficult enough to feel good.
You will be a lot more powerful than you thought.
Your compassion is incomplete if it doesn’t include you. Jack Kornfield
People who are emotionally fragile often ask for comfort when they feel sad, scared, or upset.
This is a tempting strategy in a way. If you aren’t confident enough to manage difficult emotions well and you have someone you trust to tell you everything will be okay, it can be very tempting.
However, the constant search for safety is a big drawback.
It is a sign of your mistrust that you are asking for peace of mind.
It is possible to see it through the eyes of your brain.
What does it say about your self-confidence if you rush to someone to help you when you feel down?
You must be able to accept the discomfort caused by your difficult emotions in order to become more resilient and emotionally secure.
If his parents do everything for him, a child will not learn how to tie his shoes. The same goes for your parents.
If you assign the job to another person, you will not learn how to manage difficult emotions.
We all need support and help from time to time. You might want to reconsider your strategy if you feel that others are your only way to feel better.
A friend can help a person feel reassured when they need it. It’s similar to asking a waiter for his opinion on what is good tonight. – John Steinbeck
Being constantly busy is one of the most common causes of emotional fragility.
This habit makes it so that people don’t have a moment to think about anything else. They are so busy that they don’t have time for their mental health or to think for themselves.
While this constant worry and activity can be a motivator, it is often a mask for something more serious.
To avoid unpleasant feelings, the constant hustle is a primitive defense mechanism.
Take, for example:
You can avoid the pain of a bad relationship by being constant hustle and bustle.
Consistent activity can help you get rid of the pain if you are unhappy at work.
Constant hustling can help you get rid of the fear of being alone with your thoughts.
However, this is not true. While constant activity may temporarily help you avoid these pains, it doesn’t really address them.
You are just trying to kick the tires. These problems will only get worse over time.
Chronic business is an example of emotional procrastination, which means that you put off dealing with difficult feelings by having always something to do.
If you want to end emotional fragility and make yourself more resilient, then you must face your fears head-on.
This is possible only if you have the time to reflect on your life and identify what needs to be addressed.
The only thing that the busy man can’t do is live. Seneca
Hello my name's Nancy Venable and welcome to my blog.
Here I talk about lifestyle issues. For me, my world is centred around attention deficit disorder where my husband suffers from this.
I have created this blog as a means of expressing myself and also to do something together with my husband that will enable me to enrich our lives as well as our readers.